English 1000 iodine value drinking water grade coconut shell activated carbon for formaldehyde removal and gas purification Coconut shell activated carbon for gold extraction
*** পণ্য ডেলিভারির সময়সীমা - ১৫ থেকে ২০ দিন
ক্যাটাগরি - A (Guangzhou)
৭৭০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
ইলেকট্রনিক্স, কম্পিউটার এক্সেসরীস, জুতা, ব্যাগ, জুয়েলারী, যন্ত্রপাতি, সিরামিক, ধাতব, চামরা, রাবার, প্লাস্টিক জাতীয় পন্য, ব্যাটারি ব্যাতিত খেলনা, পিবিসি বোর্ড, ইলেক্ট্রিক পার্টস, আটো মোবাইল পার্টস, এডেপ্টার, মেশিনারিজ, মাইক্রফোন, পাওয়ার সাপ্লাই, কেবল, হেডফোন, ব্যাটারি ব্যাতিত খেলনা।
ক্যাটাগর - B (Hong Kong)
১০২০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
ব্যাটারি সহ খেলনা পন্য, ডুপ্লিকেট ব্রান্ড বা কপি পন্য, রাসায়নীক দ্রব্য, লেন্স, ম্যাগনেট ও লেজার জাতীয় পন্য।
* পারফিউম- ১৩৫০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* মেকআপ বক্স – ১৩০০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* ভ্যপ – ৩০০০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* এনালগ ওয়াচ- ১১০০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* স্মার্ট ওয়াচ- ১৪০০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* সানগ্লাস – ৩২০০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* সিরাম – ১২০০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* ফাউন্ডেশন – ১৩৫০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* ট্রিমার- ১৪৫০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* ব্লুটুথ হেডফোন- ১১০০ টাকা প্রতি কেজি
* ৫ কেজির কম ওজনের পণ্যের প্রতি ১০০ গ্রামের মূল্য ১০০-১২০ টাকা। (ক্যাটাগরি - A)
* ৫ কাজির কম ওজনের পন্যের প্রতি ১০০ গ্রাম আলোচনা সাপেক্ষে (ক্যাটাগরি - B)
** পণ্য বাংলাদেশে আসার পর পণ্যের ক্যাটাগরীর উপর নির্ভর করে চূড়ান্ত শিপিং চার্জ নির্ধারণ করা হবে।
( শর্ত প্রযোজ্য )বিস্তারিত শিপিং চার্জ
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https://cloud.video.taobao.com/play/u/2111125886/p/2/e/6/t/1/407263980545.mp4 [is_virtual] => [sample_id] => [is_promotion] => [props_name] => 0:0:specifications:1 kilogram/bag of coconut shell charcoal in bulk for formaldehyde removal in new house decoration;0:1:specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquatic filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 1 pound/bag;0:2:specifications:Drinking water filtered coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 1 pound/bag;0:3:specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag;0:4:specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquatic filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag;0:5:specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag;0:6:specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag;0:7:specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquarium, filter coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag;0:8:specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag;0:9:specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag;0:10:specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquarium, filtered coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag;0:11:specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20 pounds/bag;0:12:specifications:New house decoration formaldehyde removal coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag;0:13:specifications:Fish tank turtle tank aquarium filter coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag;0:14:specifications:Drinking water filtration coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag;0:15:specifications:Activated carbon packaging bag weighing 5 pounds/10 free orders placed with a note for single purchase but not for delivery;0:16:specifications:Coconut shell activated carbon box 12 boxes/box 2.4kg [prop_imgs] => stdClass Object ( [prop_img] => Array ( ) ) [property_alias] => 0:0:1 kilogram/bag of coconut shell charcoal in bulk for formaldehyde removal in new house decoration;0:1:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquatic filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 1 pound/bag;0:2:Drinking water filtered coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 1 pound/bag;0:3:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag;0:4:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquatic filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag;0:5:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag;0:6:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag;0:7:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquarium, filter coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag;0:8:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag;0:9:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag;0:10:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquarium, filtered coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag;0:11:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20 pounds/bag;0:12:New house decoration formaldehyde removal coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag;0:13:Fish tank turtle tank aquarium filter coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag;0:14:Drinking water filtration coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag;0:15:Activated carbon packaging bag weighing 5 pounds/10 free orders placed with a note for single purchase but not for delivery;0:16:Coconut shell activated carbon box 12 boxes/box 2.4kg [props] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [name] => producing area [show] => [value] => Zhengzhou ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [name] => model [show] => [value] => Coconut shell charcoal ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Imported or not [show] => [value] => no ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [name] => category [show] => [value] => Native carbon ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Article number [show] => [value] => Coconut shell charcoal ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [name] => brand [show] => [value] => Huayu Zhengda ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [name] => exterior [show] => [value] => Black particles ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [name] => material quality [show] => [value] => coconut husk ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Applicable industries [show] => [value] => Activated carbon for food industry ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [name] => granularity [show] => [value] => 3-5mm ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Moisture [show] => [value] => 8 ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [name] => purpose [show] => [value] => Activated carbon for water treatment ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [name] => function [show] => [value] => Drinking water filtration water treatment ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Featured services [show] => [value] => Support customization ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [name] => specifications [show] => [value] => 1 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for formaldehyde removal in new house decoration, 1 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for fish tank turtle tank aquarium filtration, 1 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for drinking water filtration, 5 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for formaldehyde removal in new house decoration, 5 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for fish tank turtle tank aquarium filtration, 5 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for drinking water filtration, 10 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for formaldehyde removal in new house decoration, 10 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for fish tank turtle tank aquarium filtration, 10 kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for drinking water filtration, and formaldehyde removal in new house decoration. 20kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal in fish tank turtle tank aquarium filtration, 20kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal in bulk for drinking water filtration, 25kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal for formaldehyde removal in new house decoration, 25kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal in fish tank turtle tank aquarium filtration, 25kg/bag of coconut shell charcoal in drinking water filtration, 5kg/bag of activated carbon packaging, and 10 free orders. Please note that the order cannot be sent, Coconut shell activated carbon box 12 boxes/box 2.4kg ) ) [total_sold] => [skus] => stdClass Object ( [sku] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 12.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 5 [properties] => 0:0 [properties_name] => 0:0:specifications:1 kilogram/bag of coconut shell charcoal in bulk for formaldehyde removal in new house decoration [quantity] => 9629 [sku_id] => 5359342368181 [spec_id] => 5d00024d04435f2fa02a513ed5e1a8a6 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 13.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:1 [properties_name] => 0:1:specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquatic filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 1 pound/bag [quantity] => 9983 [sku_id] => 5359342368182 [spec_id] => 05232db708592c377dcf1b52633f4e5f ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 15.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:2 [properties_name] => 0:2:specifications:Drinking water filtered coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 1 pound/bag [quantity] => 8429 [sku_id] => 5359342368183 [spec_id] => cbcb59f8cddf373e36d3847af0d1fe9d ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 39.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 5 [properties] => 0:3 [properties_name] => 0:3:specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag [quantity] => 7967 [sku_id] => 5359342368184 [spec_id] => 90398d6b603a41b332c57ae844475174 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 49.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:4 [properties_name] => 0:4:specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquatic filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag [quantity] => 7972 [sku_id] => 5359342368185 [spec_id] => bb9ff604f79858ff9d70d18b5a00db4f ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 54.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 2 [properties] => 0:5 [properties_name] => 0:5:specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag [quantity] => 7970 [sku_id] => 5359342368186 [spec_id] => 4f9de40706fc9055d6842bc98611629f ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 74.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 1 [properties] => 0:6 [properties_name] => 0:6:specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag [quantity] => 7971 [sku_id] => 5359342368187 [spec_id] => 1e46f4a3518f44ad1e855787796b0a02 ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 89.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:7 [properties_name] => 0:7:specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquarium, filter coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag [quantity] => 1000 [sku_id] => 5359342368188 [spec_id] => f5d930ad774e39b07c11dcc1bdb33c42 ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 99.90 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 1 [properties] => 0:8 [properties_name] => 0:8:specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag [quantity] => 999 [sku_id] => 5359342368189 [spec_id] => 07b4715ef4300a46bdda93e18b28b0f2 ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 145.00 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 4 [properties] => 0:9 [properties_name] => 0:9:specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag [quantity] => 996 [sku_id] => 5359342368190 [spec_id] => 1e94515b99182931f1ef0905f1a8ae4f ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 173.00 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:10 [properties_name] => 0:10:specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquarium, filtered coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag [quantity] => 1000 [sku_id] => 5359342368191 [spec_id] => 3e72ac4d4332511d30382f9dcda7936a ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 195.00 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:11 [properties_name] => 0:11:specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20 pounds/bag [quantity] => 1000 [sku_id] => 5359342368192 [spec_id] => 0a622bcf8a71a2b066e9376672f04e21 ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 259.00 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 2 [properties] => 0:12 [properties_name] => 0:12:specifications:New house decoration formaldehyde removal coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag [quantity] => 998 [sku_id] => 5359342368179 [spec_id] => 8d23a8072c67e5d3d9559f7551b670fc ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 300.00 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:13 [properties_name] => 0:13:specifications:Fish tank turtle tank aquarium filter coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag [quantity] => 9983 [sku_id] => 5359342368194 [spec_id] => 53ff9a4c8a7e2c203e6f63e2d7ee135f ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 350.00 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:14 [properties_name] => 0:14:specifications:Drinking water filtration coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag [quantity] => 1000 [sku_id] => 5359342368180 [spec_id] => 827bb9eaaddc734acc72e8940544e13f ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 5.00 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:15 [properties_name] => 0:15:specifications:Activated carbon packaging bag weighing 5 pounds/10 free orders placed with a note for single purchase but not for delivery [quantity] => 1000 [sku_id] => 5359342368193 [spec_id] => 7a90e67a2391412c7358bc61b59884d9 ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [price] => 65.00 [total_price] => 0 [sales] => 0 [properties] => 0:16 [properties_name] => 0:16:specifications:Coconut shell activated carbon box 12 boxes/box 2.4kg [quantity] => 10000 [sku_id] => 5359342368195 [spec_id] => 169e6afe05fd073193e51406e5c2a539 ) ) ) [seller_id] => 2111125886 [sales] => 1997 [shop_id] => 2111125886 [props_list] => stdClass Object ( [0:0] => specifications:1 kilogram/bag of coconut shell charcoal in bulk for formaldehyde removal in new house decoration [0:1] => specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquatic filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 1 pound/bag [0:2] => specifications:Drinking water filtered coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 1 pound/bag [0:3] => specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag [0:4] => specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquatic filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag [0:5] => specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 5 pounds/bag [0:6] => specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag [0:7] => specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquarium, filter coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag [0:8] => specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 10 pounds/bag [0:9] => specifications:New house decoration, formaldehyde removal, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag [0:10] => specifications:Fish tank, turtle tank, aquarium, aquarium, filtered coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20kg/bag [0:11] => specifications:Drinking water filtration, coconut shell charcoal in bulk, 20 pounds/bag [0:12] => specifications:New house decoration formaldehyde removal coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag [0:13] => specifications:Fish tank turtle tank aquarium filter coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag [0:14] => specifications:Drinking water filtration coconut shell charcoal 25kg/bag [0:15] => specifications:Activated carbon packaging bag weighing 5 pounds/10 free orders placed with a note for single purchase but not for delivery [0:16] => specifications:Coconut shell activated carbon box 12 boxes/box 2.4kg ) [seller_info] => stdClass Object ( [nick] => 正达环保材料有限公司 [user_num_id] => 2111125886 [sid] => b2b-2111125886 [title] => 正达环保材料实力工厂 [zhuy] => https://winport.m.1688.com/page/index.html?memberId=b2b-2111125886 [shop_name] => 正达环保材料有限公司 ) [tmall] => false [error] => [warning] => [url_log] => Array ( ) [unit] => [is_support_mix] => [mix_amount] => [mix_begin] => [mix_number] => [scale] => [sellUnit] => 袋 [sales_data] => [_ddf] => ti [props_img] => Array ( ) [sales_info] => stdClass Object ( [seller_num] => [repeat_rate_purchase] => [per_capita_purchases] => [comment_num] => [comment_url] => ) [format_check] => ok [shop_item] => Array ( ) [relate_items] => Array ( ) )